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Best Video Game Console and Game

Nintendo Wii Video Game Console (2010 recommendation)

Wii Fit (2010 recommendation)

Wii Sport (2010 recommendation)

Video -- How to Win Wii Sport Boxing

Watch how to win Wii Sport boxing in YouTube

Video Game Consoles

  1. Has game titles with physical and mental exercise usage and entertainment effect.
  2. No hand held small game pieces that can put stress to eyes and brain.
  3. Low cost.

Nintendo Wii Video Game Console

  Buget: $199.00 at www.frys.com as of 2/7/2010, bundled with Wii Sport game.

  Use hand or weight motion to control game playing which gives opportunity of physical exercise and reduce the stress of the body. Features and functions meet or exceeded the basic requirements while price is among the lowest. Wii Sport game is included.

Key points that Nintendo Wii Video Game Console wins the recommendation:

  • Use hand or weight motion to control game playing which gives opportunity of physical exercise and reduce the stress of the body.
  • Lowest price among major video game consoles.
  • support healthy living games tittles like Sports and Fit.

►  [Why not buy the visual greatest and the fastest consoles like Play Station 3 or Xbox 360?]

  We play game for physical exercise, relax, and healthy entertainment. Visual greatest and fastest  are good to have but not on top of our priority list. Play Station 3 and Xbox 360 just do not have game title like Fit - the healthy living game supported by Nintendo Wii.

  We oppose game addition. We shall prevent over stressed on fingers and eyes by playing games. Wii has the least of these drawbacks of video games.


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Video Games

  1. Least stress on fingers and eyes.
  2. Relax and learn.
  3. Promote healthy living and enable physical exercise.

Wii Fit Plus

  Buget: $99 Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board at Wal-Mart online as of 2/15/2010.

Key points that Wii Fit wins the recommendation:

  • The game meets all the basic requirements listed above.
  • It has the best full body exercises, especially core muscle and lower body exercises.

Wii Sports

  Beget: $0 at www.frys.com as of 2/7/2010 for it is bundled with Wii game console.

Key points that Wii Sport wins the recommendation:

  • The game meets all the basic requirements listed above.
  • It has the least cost ($0) for it is often bundled with game console or Wii remote control.

Drawback of Wii Sport:

  • It exercises mainly one upper body side only.

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