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Capitalism, Socialism and Communism
We Have Lived with Them All at the Same Time!
For most of us what society models we live in is not chosen but born into or happened to be
there. We tend to find something good about the society model we live in.
Following are thoughts of society models as a product politician and government try to sell to us.
Capitalist, socialist or communist, which is better?
May be the best one is the mixture of the three?
* Definition of Societies *
In a capitalist society, capitalists/investors are the king of the society.
Maximizing profit and wealth including products for capitalists is the major game of the society.
Workers' compensation is based on maintaining the best profit for capitalists. Capitalist can
naturally generate high motivation to produce wealth for oneself because unemployed and
disadvantaged persons are naturally get starved and depressed in a pure capitalism society if
there is no socialism or communism ingredients inside.
In socialist society, all wealth generation and distribution are planned (budgeted)
like a government. Normally, wealth is contributed according to one's contribution to the society.
For unemployed and disadvantaged persons, socialism feels that the society (government) has the
responsibility to take care of them in order to maintain a humane society.
Socialism could be humane to the unemployed and disadvantaged people.
In communist society, wealth generated voluntary. Members of the society supposed
to have high moral standard we presently are too selfish to qualify. It is like a society
of heaven. Maybe, communist members would think that working and generating wealth for the
society is good for their health and intrinsically love to work, love to provide for the others.
Maybe they love everyone and share everything (including wealth) like a big family.
Wealth (including products) are distributed by need of the members to maintaining a high living
standard. Communist is like a dream of what a heaven supposed to be.
* Pro and Con of Each Social Models *
Capitalist model pro:
Natural's competitive law (a.k.a. jungle law) – Need competitive and productive to survive,
that may dramatically improve productivity and provide more wealth and product to the society.
A lucky few (winners) may enjoy astronomical wealth.
Governing qualification to maintain such a society are low, in fact, capitalist argues that
government's job is less regulation (governing), so they can do whatever they want to get the
maximum profits.
Capitalist model con:
Natural’s competitive rule – winners take all. Leave little chance for the weakers
or alternatives. Extreme rich and poor.
Low social mobility. Social status are often determined by birth of a family’s resources and environment,
rich becomes richer, poor becomes poorer.
Those biggest and strongest companies or countries tend to kill the weaker innovative start-ups or development
countries to maintain monopoly or hegemony due to jungle law mindset, that end-up hinder human society improvement.
Its economy has grow, boom, burst (recession) cycle.
Could have wasteful competition. Could over produce products that may not be affordable for many.
High in social conflict. Workers may feel being exploited by employers and managers. There are a lot of
unhappy and uncomfortable people in the bottom layer of the society looking for social model change.
Need to worry about election results.
Politics and laws are legally controlled and corrupted by capitalist and work for capitalist.
By definition, the pure natural capitalist mindset is self-centered interest first, other’s or
society's interest are ignored or to be rioted. Crime rate is much higher than a socialist model
with the same economical level. Lower personal safety in such a society.
After capitalist society is fully developed, world hegemony and market monopoly are formed,
it becomes anti-competition and try everything to kill, riot, and “contain” competitors. It generates
chaos among competitors and make human being suffer around the world, while makes its citizens
believe that all the evil doings in the world are justified and gain citizens support.
Socialist model pro:
People live in such a society feel safe and need less worry about surveying. Government provides
social safety net for the fallen.
High social mobility. More equal opportunity in education and living environment.
Budgeted or planned economy which pay less competition cost and no grow, boom, burst (recession)
cycle like capitalist society.
No one-person-one-vote electron is needed. Government and professionals (in legal issues) take
care almost all decisions including elections for you.
By definition, the pure rational socialist mindset is one may need to put society’s interest
first before self’s interest. So crime rate is much lower than a capitalist model with the same
economical level. A normally safer society to live in.
Socialist model con:
If government takes care everything and no surveying issue to worry about. people may not feel
the need to work hard. People could become lazy and too dependent to government handout.
The society is very hard to maintain. People tend to take more and provide less to the society,
so the society could become poorer and bankrupt.
High government merit and qualification required to run such a society well. With people’s full
trust and in control of a lot of wealth, the person in control must have high moral standard
and wisdom to keep wealth come in and be used in the right place, or abuse of the power or
corruption can happen easily.
It could feel less freedom or even depressed for special interest, because the society practice
“people’s democratic autocratic governing”. When there is a conflict of interest between special
interest and majority interest, the government is supposed to automatically consider the interest
of the majority first, special interest of a few could be compromised or scarified.
Wealth can easily be abused and wasted by some with “low moral” standard and the society can be
ruined through bankruptcy.
Communist model pro:
Similar to all pro of socialist model with more pleasure and lower stress to live in.
Like a family, like a heaven. Most pleasure by design.
Communist model con:
Similar to all con of socialist model with much harder to maintain.
Requires super high moral standard, super high productivity/automation level and super
high wisdom to maintain. In fact we only see such a society succeeded in family or religious
group scale, do not see one successful in a country’s scale.
* Mixture of the three social models *
In reality, we have lived in all three kinds of the societies at the same time!
In capitalist country, the unemployed get benefit from government (socialist) or from charity
(communist). When a capitalism society get into recession or trouble, people tend to ask government’s
(socialist’s) intervention and to rescue the capitalist entity.
If you worked for a company, then you have lived in a capitalism society, because a company
is a natural capitalism society even thought it may have some socialism ingredient to smooth things out.
If you deal with government through DMV, taxes, regulations, … etc, then you are working
with a socialist society. Government by nature, is a socialist model in its organization and function –
It has budgeting and pay according to one’s contribution to the organization.
If you have a normally functioning family, then you have experienced communist, because
communist is like a family in which family members share everything. Wealth is distributed by the need
of family members.
May be the best and more realistic society is a mixture of the three. For example 33 % communist
- a healthy family hold strong, 33% socialist - a competent government that can maintain a great social
safety net – free medication, free education, good unemployment benefit, and 34% capitalist - companies
are competitive and can generate a lot of wealth efficiently.

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